Here is a missive on wanting.

Want to leave your job, but are afraid of the unemployment line? Want to leave your partner but dread or, omg, TINDER?

Do NOT put your kitten or puppy photo on your online dating will backfire, we promise
Do NOT put your kitten or puppy photo on your online dating site…it will backfire, we promise

Want to return your newly adopted dog to the shelter, but are afraid you are making a mistake because he/she’s making more of an effort than you are…?

What you are now calling in frustration "The Demon Furred Nightmare" could turn out with a little patience to be your very best friend
What you are now calling in frustration “The Demon Furred Nightmare” could turn out with a little patience to be your very best friend

Want to quit on Episode 12 of Series Three of a seven year Netflix streamer that all your friends or colleagues have viewed in its entirety? Want to drop the Dr. Atkins Diet and go paleo but will miss the bacon?

Julia Child: The only time to diet is while you are waiting for the steak to be cooked
Julia Child: The only time to diet is while you are waiting for the steak to be cooked

Are you going through the farce of routine action because… there is nothing else to do while you wait, wanting your new cable box replacement…

In the theater world this is called "Waiting for Godot"
In the theater world this is called “Waiting for Godot”

Possibly you are strung out wanting the next episode of “The Walking Dead”, the green lighting of a Samuel Beckett reality show ( Dancing with the Hopeless)…

…a new love addiction to replace your past or present one, a new break-through drug that will cure heart break, shin splints, hair loss…

“Pull the hair on my head the wrong way, and I would be on my knees begging for mercy. I have very sensitive follicles.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch
“Pull the hair on my head the wrong way, and I would be on my knees begging for mercy. I have very sensitive follicles.” ― Benedict Cumberbatch

…dementia, shyness, cellulite…

Don't bother, it will never be enough
Don’t bother, it will never be enough

…or indecisiveness?

“Accept me or kill me MacKayla. But choose. Fucking Choose.” ― Karen Marie Moning, "Shadowfever"
“Accept me or kill me MacKayla. But choose. Fucking Choose.” ― Karen Marie Moning, “Shadowfever”

Are you stuck in a perpetual wanting loop that never allows final closure?

One theory for this effort to find purpose and to control your fate is called… Existentialism.

Metaphorical recipe for disaster in your life
Metaphorical recipe for disaster in your life

Along with you, Samuel Beckett, Eugène Ionesco, Jean Genet, Arthur Adamov, Harold Pinter, and a few others shared a vision of humanity struggling to find a purpose and to control its fate.

Jean Genet even managed to make an unlikely appearance in the pop charts when in 1972, David Bowie released his popular hit single "The Jean Genie". In his 2005 book Moonage Daydream, Bowie confirmed that the title "...was a clumsy pun upon Jean Genet"
Jean Genet even managed to make an unlikely appearance in the pop charts when in 1972, David Bowie released his popular hit single “The Jean Genie”. In his 2005 book Moonage Daydream, Bowie confirmed that the title “…was a clumsy pun upon Jean Genet”

These were authors published by Barney Rosset’s Grove Press.

THANK YOU DEAR GENEROUS BACKERS of our film about Barney and his great wall of freedoms and ideas that changed our culture.

THANK YOU for taking a profoundly consequential step by wanting to support us and having faith in our film.

This is us, after our month-long intensive Kickstarter campaign, wanting to give all of you backers a hats off, and a high five
This is us, after our month-long intensive Kickstarter campaign, wanting to give all of you backers a hats off, and a high five

Our immediate next step is to fulfill the thank you good karma rewards you are due. Please respond to our Backer Survey, which you’ll receive this week, which includes important information such as t-shirt size, contact info for reward delivery, etc.

Our ongoing updates in the next weeks will fill you in on the progress we are making to bringing our film to you, thanks to your support.

In the meantime, please go to our website,, and follow us on our social media. Links are there, on our home page.

Let us know how you wish to be contacted
Let us know how you wish to be contacted

And please reach out for any reason, or with any questions, about the film, our progress, our donor rewards or anything else – including your own memories of Barney Rosset (please) – at

House rules: Never ban a book. Support free expression.
House rules: Never ban a book. Support free expression.

We are so excited to continue in finishing our film. All our thanks for being our trampolines.


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